We add 1 minute to the time otherwise the DayView for the previous day will include the current date. Internally, the ASPxScheduler uses UTC time, so you want to pass the current date as UTC.
This article explains how to develop DevExpress-based applications that.
You can use the Contains() method to check if a DateTime or TimeInterval object is contained within the interval. Scheduler Library -> Microsoft -> Windows -> SoftwareProtectionPlatform. The call to GetVisibleIntervals().Interval returns TimeInterval object, which is a DevExpress.XtraScheduler class that represents an interval of time for the current scheduler view. We use this event to enable the display of the marker when the current date is being displayed by the control, otherwise disable the marker.
You can use the VisibleIntervalChanged event of ASPxScheduler control and make the time line marker behave like Outlook with a single line of code: protected void ASPxScheduler1_VisibleIntervalChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)Ī = ().Interval.Contains((1)) As it turns out, it was easy to change that behavior. That is a little bit counter intuitive and doesn’t match the Outlook model that DevExpress is trying to following. With the ASPxScheduler, if you have time line marker enabled, it’s always being displayed, no matter what the date is. (Image of the scheduler control showing the time marker taken from the online documentation) In the DevExpress Template Gallery, go to the ASP. DevExpress provides best-in-class user interface controls for WinForms, ASP.
For this demo, I am using Visual Studio 2012, ASP. If the calendar view does not include the current date, you don’t see that line. The DevExpress Tabs component for Blazor. In Outlook, the time line marker only appears when the calendar time span includes the current date. In this case, they behave slightly differently than Outlook. This is a feature that Outlook does on its calendar and the ASPxScheduler by and large is trying to mirror that experience.
There are two groups of tabs displaying code - one for C and another for VB languages. The application includes several RichEditControls at the top used to display and edit the code and SchedulerControl (at the bottom) which shows the result of code execution. One feature is that it displays a marker on the scheduler to represent the current time. This example demonstrates how to manage Scheduler control programmatically. The DevExpress Blazor Data Grid component ships with a high performance data loading. It does pretty much what I need for it to do and I have been able to bend it to do things that I want it to do. Blazor Pivot Grid, Blazor Charts, and Blazor Scheduler). I’ve been using the DevExpress ASPxScheduler with one of our WebForms apps and it’s been a pretty good experience so far.